Scroll mouse in Flexgrid using VB6.0
(too old to reply)
2005-02-23 13:38:17 UTC

I have an application in VB6.0,and i used flexgrid to display no.of records
from databse.Now i want to view those records by scrolling the mouse wheel
without clicking the down-arrow.
How can i do this?Is ther any solution.
If you know please let me know the solution.
Thanks in advance.

Rick Rothstein
2005-02-23 14:06:58 UTC
Post by Mamatha
I have an application in VB6.0,and i used flexgrid to display no.of records
from databse.Now i want to view those records by scrolling the mouse wheel
without clicking the down-arrow.
How can i do this?Is ther any solution.
If you know please let me know the solution.
On my system (WinXP Pro SP1, VB6 SP5), the mouse wheel of my Logitech
mouse scrolls the MSFlexGrid control whenever the grid has focus. Are
you saying your mouse wheel doesn't do this when the control has focus?
If so, what mouse are you using?

Rick - MVP
Pedro CR
2005-03-04 04:55:13 UTC
apparently if you install and use MS Intellipoint 4.x you can scroll a lot
of stuff that don't have native wheel support. If you don't you'll just get
the plain windows support for wheel scrolling which does not work on many
things we still use.

From my perspective I think Intellipoint is able to add this "extended"
support by subclassing or hooking onto the scrollbars themselfs. I'm not
sure if Intellipoint will work with any mouse (notice that I'm refering to
version 4; the new version 5 seems to lack this funcitionality).
Maybe there's some similar app on the net that does the same (and free...)

As a last resource take a look at http://www.vbaccelerator.com if you want
to have a try at subclassing and hooking yourself. the site has good samples
and tuturials although I must say that it's not an easy subject.
Post by Mamatha
I have an application in VB6.0,and i used flexgrid to display no.of records
from databse.Now i want to view those records by scrolling the mouse wheel
without clicking the down-arrow.
How can i do this?Is ther any solution.
If you know please let me know the solution.
Thanks in advance.
Screaming Eagles 101
2005-10-26 07:56:01 UTC
Post by Mamatha
I have an application in VB6.0,and i used flexgrid to display no.of records
from databse.Now i want to view those records by scrolling the mouse wheel
without clicking the down-arrow.
How can i do this?Is ther any solution.
If you know please let me know the solution.
Thanks in advance.
This works fine with me :
Official Site of the 463rd PFA
Wheelmouse Support on MSFlexgrid
Mouse Wheel

How to implement additional support for wheel mice in VB6

With Visual Basic 6 now starting to look "long in the tooth" and no sign
of a clear successor for developing desktop and networked systems,
programmers are left to find solutions to missing functionality. The wheel
mouse has established itself as a useful rodent and while Windows 2000 and
XP provides some limited support for your applications two key controls have
not been updated. The MSFlexgrid control has no mouse wheel support and
incredibly the scrollbar control has been left out as well. However you can
add suitable code to your applications to fill this gap.
Just a note of caution. This solution makes use of a "hook" into the
Windows message stream directed at your program form. If you introduce an
error into the WindowProc() function (detailed below) then you will may
crash the Visual Basic IDE. Please make sure that you save your program
before testing and that you try and eliminate any errors in the specified
routine. Once up and running this solution is entirely stable.

First declare the Windows functions and the variables and constants shown.
These are perhaps best added to a code module.

Private Declare Function CallWindowProc Lib "user32.dll" Alias
"CallWindowProcA" ( _
ByVal lpPrevWndFunc As Long, _
ByVal hWnd As Long, _
ByVal Msg As Long, _
ByVal Wparam As Long, _
ByVal Lparam As Long) As Long

Private Declare Function SetWindowLong Lib "user32.dll" Alias
"SetWindowLongA" ( _
ByVal hWnd As Long, _
ByVal nIndex As Long, _
ByVal dwNewLong As Long) As Long

Public Const MK_CONTROL = &H8
Public Const MK_LBUTTON = &H1
Public Const MK_RBUTTON = &H2
Public Const MK_MBUTTON = &H10
Public Const MK_SHIFT = &H4
Private Const GWL_WNDPROC = -4
Private Const WM_MOUSEWHEEL = &H20A

Dim LocalHwnd As Long
Dim LocalPrevWndProc As Long
Dim MyForm As Form

Now copy the following functions into the same code module.

Private Function WindowProc(ByVal Lwnd As Long, ByVal Lmsg As Long,
ByVal Wparam As Long, ByVal Lparam As Long) As Long

Dim MouseKeys As Long
Dim Rotation As Long
Dim Xpos As Long
Dim Ypos As Long

MouseKeys = Wparam And 65535
Rotation = Wparam / 65536
Xpos = Lparam And 65535
Ypos = Lparam / 65536
MyForm.MouseWheel MouseKeys, Rotation, Xpos, Ypos
End If
WindowProc = CallWindowProc(LocalPrevWndProc, Lwnd, Lmsg, Wparam,
End Function

Public Sub WheelHook(PassedForm As Form)

On Error Resume Next

Set MyForm = PassedForm
LocalHwnd = PassedForm.hWnd
LocalPrevWndProc = SetWindowLong(LocalHwnd, GWL_WNDPROC, AddressOf
End Sub

Public Sub WheelUnHook()
Dim WorkFlag As Long

On Error Resume Next
WorkFlag = SetWindowLong(LocalHwnd, GWL_WNDPROC, LocalPrevWndProc)
Set MyForm = Nothing
End Sub

To activate the hook into the Windows message stream that detects the
mouse wheel "event" you should call the WheelHook() Sub from the relevant
Form Activate event. You should also remember to call the WheelUnHook() Sub
from the Deactivate event. This cleans up by deactivating the hook into the
relevant message stream but also means that you can apply this technique to
multiple forms in the same application.

You will note that the WindowProc() function calls a routine on the form
passed to the WheelHook() Sub as an argument. This routine is (arbitrarily)
called MouseWheel() and has a number of arguments. You have to provide this
Sub but there are two sample ones you might like to make use of below.

The first is intended to work with an MSFlexgrid control:

Public Sub MouseWheel(ByVal MouseKeys As Long, ByVal Rotation As Long,
ByVal Xpos As Long, ByVal Ypos As Long)
Dim NewValue As Long
Dim Lstep As Single

On Error Resume Next

With MsFlexgrid1
Lstep = .Height / .RowHeight(0)
Lstep = Int(Lstep)
If Lstep < 10 Then
Lstep = 10
End If
If Rotation > 0 Then
NewValue = .TopRow - Lstep
If NewValue < 1 Then
NewValue = 1
End If
NewValue = .TopRow + Lstep
If NewValue > .Rows - 1 Then
NewValue = .Rows - 1
End If
End If
. TopRow = NewValue
End With
End Sub

This version is for a vertical scroll bar

Public Sub MouseWheel(ByVal MouseKeys As Long, ByVal Rotation As Long,
ByVal Xpos As Long, ByVal Ypos As Long)
Dim NewValue As Long

On Error Resume Next

With VScroll
If Rotation > 0 Then
NewValue = .Value - .LargeChange
If NewValue < .Min Then
NewValue = .Min
End If
NewValue = .Value + .LargeChange
If NewValue > .Max Then
NewValue = .Max
End If
End If
. Value = NewValue
End With

End Sub

Remember that (perhaps counter intuitively) the horizontal scroll control
may need to respond to mouse wheel action as well.


You could decide that you are not going to make use of the additional
mouse information such as the X and Y position and cut them from the call to
your version of the MouseWheel() Sub

Taking it further

If your form has multiple controls without direct mouse wheel support then
you could use the MouseMove events to track the control currently under the
mouse cursor and then apply the wheel action to the appropriate control.
Alternately you could use a click event upon the control in question to
"capture" the mouse wheel actions.

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